"Whoever listens to the truth hears my voice...What is truth?" - John 18:37-38
What is truth? Those were the very words of Pilate, moments before Jesus was handed over to be crucified. So many questions jumped into my mind when I read those three simple words. Considering the context (before a crowd of screaming Jews), why did Pilate ask this? Why now? And why THIS question.
I might be jumping to conclusions, but here are my thoughts. Jesus made very subversive claims about himself. He claimed to be divine, he forgave sins, he healed the sick, restored sight to the blind, etc. Jesus did and said many things that pointed people to the truth. Yet, this question is still raised: What is truth?
What's also very telling about these three words is that this is such a postmodern question. And whether Pilate was genuinely seeking the truth, or merely being skeptical, he asked the question many people in today's generation ask: What is truth?
What Jesus was trying to communicate to Pilate and to us is that He, Jesus himself, IS truth. ALL truth comes from him, ALL joy comes from him, ALL goodness comes from him...and apart from having a relationship with him none of these things can exist in our lives.
"What is truth?" isn't answered by a philosophical idea or even by a religion. It is answered by the person of Jesus Christ.
This blog is exactly what the title implies. We're all navigating through life to some degree. Whether we're at a crossroads, stuck in the middle of the road, or maybe we're driving full speed towards the destination we've planned. This blog simply serves as a mind "bucket" of sorts, as I navigate through the life that God has blessed me with.
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Saturday, February 25, 2012
Sunday, December 11, 2011
Into The Chaos
I really love Christmas time. It’s such a festive time of the year. We get to see Christmas decorations on people’s houses, hear Christmas carols, bake cookies, and we get to experience things we normally wouldn't experience any other time of the year. For example, putting things outside that should be inside (lights), and putting things inside that should be outside (trees). But it is such an amazing time. I wouldn’t trade this time of the year in for the world.
And around this time of year we hear a lot of really good words floating around…love, joy, peace, goodwill to men. These words are great, but sometimes the reality of these words seems to get stuffed down amidst the chaos and busyness of the Christmas season. I find it funny that Christmas time is the time where we hear words of love, joy, peace and hope, yet it’s one of the most chaotic times of the year. When ya think about it, they’re actually two extremes. They seem opposed to one another…
I was in my devotions this week, and I stumbled onto a verse from the Psalms that just gives so much clarity to these two extremes:
“God make a fresh start in me, shape a Genesis week from the chaos of my life” – Psalm 51:10 MSG
We all know by now that chaos and busyness isn’t just a symptom of Christmas time; it’s a symptom of life; it’s actually a symptom of a world that’s broken and in need of fixing. And that is what the Christmas season, the season of ADVENT is centered around. It is about the hope, joy and all around anticipation of a savior coming in to the chaos and brokenness of the world to redeem and restore it…to ultimately fix it. The reason we hear about hope, joy, peace and love this time of year more than any other time, is because it marks the start of a new beginning. That’s what the word Genesis in this verse means: beginning…so, in Christmas time, we actually have a new beginning. It’s a new Genesis, so to speak. Do you think it’s any coincidence that we make New Year’s resolutions right after Christmas time? It’s a time for a fresh start, a new beginning.
So in this time of year especially, but at any time we can freely come before God and rely on him to make something new out of the chaos and brokenness of our lives. We have a fresh start, a new beginning because Jesus, our savior, has broken into the chaos of human history, and because he loves us, he desperately wants to break into the chaos of our lives as well if we allow him to. That’s the good news of Jesus, and that is the reason we gather and celebrate this time of year.
As we go about our Christmas to do lists and our cookie baking, let’s remember that ADVENT is about God entering into this chaotic life with us, so that he can create a new beginning in us.
And around this time of year we hear a lot of really good words floating around…love, joy, peace, goodwill to men. These words are great, but sometimes the reality of these words seems to get stuffed down amidst the chaos and busyness of the Christmas season. I find it funny that Christmas time is the time where we hear words of love, joy, peace and hope, yet it’s one of the most chaotic times of the year. When ya think about it, they’re actually two extremes. They seem opposed to one another…
I was in my devotions this week, and I stumbled onto a verse from the Psalms that just gives so much clarity to these two extremes:
“God make a fresh start in me, shape a Genesis week from the chaos of my life” – Psalm 51:10 MSG
We all know by now that chaos and busyness isn’t just a symptom of Christmas time; it’s a symptom of life; it’s actually a symptom of a world that’s broken and in need of fixing. And that is what the Christmas season, the season of ADVENT is centered around. It is about the hope, joy and all around anticipation of a savior coming in to the chaos and brokenness of the world to redeem and restore it…to ultimately fix it. The reason we hear about hope, joy, peace and love this time of year more than any other time, is because it marks the start of a new beginning. That’s what the word Genesis in this verse means: beginning…so, in Christmas time, we actually have a new beginning. It’s a new Genesis, so to speak. Do you think it’s any coincidence that we make New Year’s resolutions right after Christmas time? It’s a time for a fresh start, a new beginning.
So in this time of year especially, but at any time we can freely come before God and rely on him to make something new out of the chaos and brokenness of our lives. We have a fresh start, a new beginning because Jesus, our savior, has broken into the chaos of human history, and because he loves us, he desperately wants to break into the chaos of our lives as well if we allow him to. That’s the good news of Jesus, and that is the reason we gather and celebrate this time of year.
As we go about our Christmas to do lists and our cookie baking, let’s remember that ADVENT is about God entering into this chaotic life with us, so that he can create a new beginning in us.
Friday, October 28, 2011
Promise & Sacrifice
This past Saturday, I spent some time in the scriptures preparing for Sunday nights youth group. Since the beginning of September we’v e been gradually moving through the key stories of scripture. This last Sunday we covered the story of Abraham and Isaac. I will confess that when I first cracked open my Bible to prepare, I went in with a lousy attitude. I had wrongly assumed that since I had read and heard sermons preached on this story that I couldn’t learn anything new. But as I studied the story in depth, God revealed such an amazing insight. I realized that God commanded Abraham to sacrifice the very thing God had promised him. If I were in Abraham’s shoes I would have contested and most likely refused. But Abraham obeyed and trusted God, even though God’s command may have been at least perplexing and at the worst utterly heartbreaking. But the simple truth I realized in my reading of this story is that God wanted Abraham’s relationship with Him not to merely be rooted in blessing, but in complete faith and trust in Him. Think of an earthly father that showers his child with all sorts of gifts, but never builds any sort of trusting relationship with his child. God loves us enough to give us blessings, but also to pursue a trusting relationship with us, and having that relationship requires personal sacrifice. As I read this story and came to that realization, I had goosebumps. I learned that God wants our relationship with him to be rooted in faith and trust, not just blessing. More importantly, I re-learned that God will give us new insights into the stories we read in scripture, no matter how many times we’ve read them. We just need to be open to it.
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Doing Good
Have you ever asked somebody a question and their response caught you off guard to the point where you had no idea how to respond? I’d like to share a personal experience that happened to me recently where this scenario took place in my life. But first, allow me to unpack a few details.
Not too long ago, I made my way to the Wilson Farms on the corner of Main St in downtown Fillmore. Since it’s just down the block from my apartment and a place where many in the community frequent, I walk down there to make connections with people as much as I can. On this particular day, as soon as I walked in the person working the counter…let’s call him Jay. He said “Hey there he is!” since I am a frequent visitor. At the time Jay happened to be in conversation with a man who was sporting semi-long hair down to the shoulder, a fisher’s hat and about 15 teeth in his head.
The conversation began with the state of the U.S. economy; then it shifted to the poor economic state of Fillmore. Since I minister in the community, I prodded a bit and asked this man a question. I told him of how I’m a youth minister in the area, and how my church would like to play a more intentional role in the community. I then asked him of what he perceived as the greatest need in the community. Basically, he said that if we were to affect change in this community, we would have to start by changing the mindset of the people. I then shook his hand, thanked him for his honest input, then introduced myself. He introduced himself...let’s call him Jake. I asked if he had a last name. He refused to give it.
Now getting back to my initial question! I asked, “Are you a part of any churches in the area?” He said, “Nah...I follow Satan. I figure I’m working for him anyway. Plus God never gives me what I want…I asked for a million dollars. He’d never give it to me.” I was so floored by his answer that I simply couldn’t formulate a coherent response. I just said, “It was great meeting you.” After that encounter, I walked up to my apartment a bit frustrated and discouraged saying to God, “God, why didn’t I say anything? I’m so mad at myself.”
Thankfully, the next day was Sunday at FWC. One of my favorite parts of Sunday is the fact that even though I’m one of the pastors at the church, I’m actually able to participate in the adult Sunday school class. Currently the class happens to be studying 1 and 2 Peter. On this particular week we happened to touch 1 Peter 2:15 which says, “For it is God’s will that by doing good you should silence the ignorant talk of foolish men.”
Just to clarify, I don’t take Jake to be a fool. In fact, my conversation with him shows me he is quite intelligent, in many things. However, his beliefs and views of God I would definitely put in the “ignorant” category. Most likely his lack of knowledge coupled with some bad experiences with the church would warrant the response he gave.
But this story isn't about Jake, or even about me…it’s about a deeper spiritual reality that God revealed to me through his word and my personal experience: when it comes to the marginalized, we are not called to always have the right words to say. In fact, I bet the people they've been hurt by have already tried the “tell them what they’re doing wrong” approach. The truth is, sometimes we have the words. Sometimes we don’t. But we are always called to change the mindset of these individuals by continually doing good works in Jesus’ name. Just like that old saying goes: Actions speak louder than words.
Not too long ago, I made my way to the Wilson Farms on the corner of Main St in downtown Fillmore. Since it’s just down the block from my apartment and a place where many in the community frequent, I walk down there to make connections with people as much as I can. On this particular day, as soon as I walked in the person working the counter…let’s call him Jay. He said “Hey there he is!” since I am a frequent visitor. At the time Jay happened to be in conversation with a man who was sporting semi-long hair down to the shoulder, a fisher’s hat and about 15 teeth in his head.
The conversation began with the state of the U.S. economy; then it shifted to the poor economic state of Fillmore. Since I minister in the community, I prodded a bit and asked this man a question. I told him of how I’m a youth minister in the area, and how my church would like to play a more intentional role in the community. I then asked him of what he perceived as the greatest need in the community. Basically, he said that if we were to affect change in this community, we would have to start by changing the mindset of the people. I then shook his hand, thanked him for his honest input, then introduced myself. He introduced himself...let’s call him Jake. I asked if he had a last name. He refused to give it.
Now getting back to my initial question! I asked, “Are you a part of any churches in the area?” He said, “Nah...I follow Satan. I figure I’m working for him anyway. Plus God never gives me what I want…I asked for a million dollars. He’d never give it to me.” I was so floored by his answer that I simply couldn’t formulate a coherent response. I just said, “It was great meeting you.” After that encounter, I walked up to my apartment a bit frustrated and discouraged saying to God, “God, why didn’t I say anything? I’m so mad at myself.”
Thankfully, the next day was Sunday at FWC. One of my favorite parts of Sunday is the fact that even though I’m one of the pastors at the church, I’m actually able to participate in the adult Sunday school class. Currently the class happens to be studying 1 and 2 Peter. On this particular week we happened to touch 1 Peter 2:15 which says, “For it is God’s will that by doing good you should silence the ignorant talk of foolish men.”
Just to clarify, I don’t take Jake to be a fool. In fact, my conversation with him shows me he is quite intelligent, in many things. However, his beliefs and views of God I would definitely put in the “ignorant” category. Most likely his lack of knowledge coupled with some bad experiences with the church would warrant the response he gave.
But this story isn't about Jake, or even about me…it’s about a deeper spiritual reality that God revealed to me through his word and my personal experience: when it comes to the marginalized, we are not called to always have the right words to say. In fact, I bet the people they've been hurt by have already tried the “tell them what they’re doing wrong” approach. The truth is, sometimes we have the words. Sometimes we don’t. But we are always called to change the mindset of these individuals by continually doing good works in Jesus’ name. Just like that old saying goes: Actions speak louder than words.
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Clues to Hidden Treasures
Let me begin by apologizing for not posting since June! Since I began doing my masters courses many things have taken a backseat temporarily. However, I plan to be more intentional on keeping up with posts at least once a week, even if it be just a goofy video or thought.
So, last week my senior pastor called the church staff into his office for our weekly staff meeting. After going through calendar items and Sunday service details, he looked at us and said, "We're going to do something different today." When you hear those words, you know you're going to walk away with at least an interesting story at the end of the day.
He said that we should assume that every human being is a treasure and has value in the eyes of God. God also calls us to pray for and potentially bless those people if it's within our means. He then told us to find a spot in the church where we could clear our minds. During this time we were to push away all the stuff in our heads that distracts us and ask one simple question of God. Ask God to reveal clues to the treasure He wants us to find today. So that's exactly what we did. I got down on my hands and knees in our youth room, closed my eyes and did my best to focus solely on Jesus. During my prayer time I saw a "red head". I had absolutely no idea why. I didn't know if it was someone with red hair, or a red hat...to be honest I thought the whole experience to be a little strange. I would be lying if I said I wasn't a bit skeptical.
After our prayer time we each compared our clues, whether they be a building, a person, a street sign, etc....then we went out together to see if we could find them. First we stopped at the local library since that was a "clue" that was revealed. I looked for a red head...no dice. Next we went up to the local school as that was another "clue". Still no red head. We came back to the office, and I was a bit discouraged. Why did God put this picture in my head?
That night I met up with my step-dad for dinner. We sat down, and our order was taken promptly. The waitress who came by to fill up our coffee just happened to have short red hair and a red truckers hat on. At that moment I felt God's spirit prompting me to ask her if I could just pray for her. So when she came by to fill up our cups again, I introduced myself, explained the exercise I had done that afternoon and asked if I could take just a moment to pray for her. She allowed me to pray for the health and safety of both her and her family.
I say all this because this type of thing is not something I do. To be honest, I have never asked a total stranger if I could pray for them. It was a first for me. And based on her initial reaction, I don't think she had ever had a total stranger actually pray for her either. And for all I know, this woman may think I'm a total religious nut...but to be honest, my reputation isn't really what matters. Making God famous is what matters.
Every human being is a treasure to God. In the stillness and quite of uninterrupted time with God, could He be giving you clues to a person you should pray for or bless?
Friday, June 24, 2011
Here is the story of a man who's life was saved through the interconnectedness of the worldwide web. This video is called "The Internet is my Religion."
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Human Desolation & Divine Restoration
Ever since I was a kid, I've always had an appreciation for art. I can remember back to the young age of four when I would draw simple stick figures that represented my favorite superhero, Superman. Truth be told the art was by no means immaculate. The only thing that effectively distinguished my stick figures from everyone else's was the cape attached to it. All of this aside, I've always held a very special place in my heart for well done art, whether it's a painting, a song, or even a movie. I also believe the only useful form of art is that which points us to deeper truth.
There was a particular work of art from a 17th century painter named Thomas Cole I stumbled across today. Cole painted a series of pieces he entitled "The Courses of the Empire". This series basically chronicles the rising and falling of civilization. The first piece showcases a beautiful mountain range in the background surrounded by clouds. In the foreground you see lively trees alongside cliffs and streams. If look closely, you'll even see a deer prancing across a stream. My description doesn't do it justice, so here is the picture:

At the end of this series of paintings, you see something very different.

In this final piece there are ruins of a civilization, an Empire, constructed by the hands of humankind. Rubble is the only word that comes to my mind. The title of this final piece is "Desolation". It's a morbid, almost pessimistic note to end on. But there's something in this final piece that I find both sobering and hopeful.
You might say it's a reality check to look at the ruins of a once thriving Empire laid to waste. This piece screams out the truth that the material things we build, the Empires we construct, and, truth be told, the things we hold dear to on this earth, will eventually become desolate. Not a thought we enjoy entertaining, but a truth nonetheless.
But in a strange sense, it is hopeful. While much of what man had constructed was destroyed, elements of the original creation God designed is still very much intact. Compare and contrast both of these pictures, and see for yourself.
Ultimately, what I find hopeful is this:
No matter how bad, or how bleak the world around us gets, we can rest confident that this is God's world and He is interested in it, loves it, and ultimately wants to see it restored to the original masterpiece He intended it to be.
There was a particular work of art from a 17th century painter named Thomas Cole I stumbled across today. Cole painted a series of pieces he entitled "The Courses of the Empire". This series basically chronicles the rising and falling of civilization. The first piece showcases a beautiful mountain range in the background surrounded by clouds. In the foreground you see lively trees alongside cliffs and streams. If look closely, you'll even see a deer prancing across a stream. My description doesn't do it justice, so here is the picture:
At the end of this series of paintings, you see something very different.
In this final piece there are ruins of a civilization, an Empire, constructed by the hands of humankind. Rubble is the only word that comes to my mind. The title of this final piece is "Desolation". It's a morbid, almost pessimistic note to end on. But there's something in this final piece that I find both sobering and hopeful.
You might say it's a reality check to look at the ruins of a once thriving Empire laid to waste. This piece screams out the truth that the material things we build, the Empires we construct, and, truth be told, the things we hold dear to on this earth, will eventually become desolate. Not a thought we enjoy entertaining, but a truth nonetheless.
But in a strange sense, it is hopeful. While much of what man had constructed was destroyed, elements of the original creation God designed is still very much intact. Compare and contrast both of these pictures, and see for yourself.
Ultimately, what I find hopeful is this:
No matter how bad, or how bleak the world around us gets, we can rest confident that this is God's world and He is interested in it, loves it, and ultimately wants to see it restored to the original masterpiece He intended it to be.
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